How to undo merge between Skype and a Microsoft account

How to undo merge between Skype and a Microsoft account

In this post we will give you information about How to undo merge between Skype and a Microsoft account. Hear we will give you detail about How to undo merge between Skype and a Microsoft account And how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

With Microsoft retiring Windows Live Messenger in favor of Skype, starting version 6.0 of the messaging service for Windows and Mac OS X, the company is already prompting users to merge their Skype accounts with Microsoft accounts. What people may not know is that linking the two accounts is permanent and they cannot undo this process.

Chances are thin, but it could happen that during the linking process you mistakenly used an email address (Microsoft account) that you didn’t want to use to begin with or you’ll simply change your mind later. Then you will realize that you cannot remove the link between the two accounts.

I asked Skype about this concerns and in response (@SkypeSupport) the company said:

@, there is not an option to remove the integration between the Microsoft account and Skype account. Thanks, Skype Support!”

To my surprise short after the above response, Skype Support suggested that if you want to unlink the Skype account from the Windows Live ID, you could do it, but you have to contact the company’s support directly.

@, If you want to unlink your Skype and Windows Live ID, you can contact Skype CS directly

As you see, it is possible to undo the merge between a Microsoft and a Skype account, but it is a bit unconventional. Of course, you will avoid going though a tedious process, if you make sure in advanced which email address you want to use to link the account.


If you have to undo the merge, head over to the Skype support page, with the link mentioned above, click Accounts & Passwords, from the right side, select Creating and account. Then you’ll notice at the bottom of the page that new button “Continue support request” will appear, click it and it will take you to the next step.

In the next step, click Send and email. Fill out the form and send the request. Note that it could take some time for them to respond, but it should take care of your problem.

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